Detoxweek: Getting Healthy, Alkalize The Body, Acquiring Healthy Habits, Letting Go
Working In A Group
Shifting Into Restoration
The Detoxweek - Online Retreat
The Detoxweek Program has brought beautiful results to so many people over the past seven years since I have been offering it.
By following a strict diet in a group setting, all the conditions are there to support a transformative process of detoxification, regeneration, and healing.
It is a great chance to bring your everyday diet to a higher level and to get rid of stubborn addictions. Many participants have overcome addictions like caffeine, nicotine, processed sugar, junk food or wheat.
Join According To Your Needs:
A. 100% FRUIT
A direct and thorough way.
B. 100% RAW
Add salads for a less intense experience.
Choose the optimal way for you.
What Is Included?
1 x Iridology Consultation
Take and send the picture. The result is shared in your 1:1 session.3 Months Herbal Plan
Great support from the herbal kingdom.1 to 1 Zoom Call
We discuss and plan your unique path to perfect health.Yoga & Meditation Sessions
Recorded sessions, choose your own timing. (Suitable for beginners.)Break-Fast Support
We help you to break the fast carefully and responsibly.
Emotional Detox
Learn how to deal with difficult emotions during detox. Practice letting go.Long Term Integration
Regeneration of tissue takes time,
learning how to integrate into daily life.Group Chat Zoom / Telegram app
Learn, connect, share and get inspired.Yoga / Meditation / Breath-work
Start acquiring new beneficial habits.Water-Fasting
Widely practiced in many cultures and religions. Every animal does it when sick.
You have the option to try it for 1 day.
Detoxweek - Start Your Journey
Know More About The Detoxweek
This program is based on my teacher Dr. Morse’s 50 years of practical experience, my own journey in self-healing, and the lessons of the many retreats and programs which I have offered over the past six years, both in person and online.
The change of diet towards a pure fruit diet is the center of the program.
On top of this, you have a yoga session which I have designed to ideally support the detoxification, plus meditation and breathing exercises.
We also work on acquiring new and beneficial habits. You will learn how it is possible to reprogram the mind, as old beliefs often hinder us from advancing towards a healthy, supportive lifestyle.
This program is designed for people new to detoxification and healthy food choices.
Most people will be able to go through this program. There are some people who will need some weeks of private step-by-step coaching, for example people which are very obese or dealing with severe diseases like advanced cancer.
Reach out to me in case of doubt to discuss your participation.
I look forward to helping you to go through this process embracing health.
The Next Detoxweek Starts 2nd November 2023
3 Days Preparation
7 Days Actual Detoxweek, Full Guidance
7 Days Free Add-On Option, Light Guidance
01:………Group call before start
02-04:…..Preparation days
05-11:…..Actual Detoxweek
06:………Group call
09:………Group call
11:………Closure meeting
12-18:…..Optional week
Times for the group calls will be announced shortly.
Choose From 3 Options:
Detoxweek - Light $190
- Yoga / Mediation / Breath-Work
- Post Retreat Support (For Home/Work Life)
- Emotional Detox (Dealing With Difficult Emotions)
- Healthy Long Term Integration
- 2 x Group Zoom Call (Class / Lecture)
- Detoxweek Support Group (Telegram Group Sharing)
Detoxweek - Standard $290
- 1:1 Zoom Call Debrief
- Recommendation For Herbs
- 1 x Additional Group Zoom Call
Detoxweek - Personal $390
- INCL. LIGHT & STANDARD Package +++
- Iridology Consultation
- 3 Months Personalised Herbal Plan
- 1:1 Personalised Intro Zoom Call
Detoxweek Program | Rejuvenate Your Body and Mind
“There is an art to detoxification.
The end goal is always the regeneration of tissue, and the restoring / improving
of the condition of the cell and the fluid that takes care of it.”
— Dr. Robert Morse
The program is designed in a way that allows almost everybody’s participation.
There are very few exceptions, like pregnant woman or people with very advanced diseases.
Please send a message if you have any doubts.
You will get detailed information with the retreat confirmation.
Start TODAY by eliminating all dairy, meats, and grains and reducing or eliminating all legumes from your diet.
Increase your fruit and raw food intake.
It depends on where you are now, there are 3 ways:
ALL RAW – fruit and salads (no nuts or seeds)
ALL FRUIT – just fruit, nothing else (smoothies and juices are ok)
INDIVIDUAL PLAN – we'll discuss this option on our 1:1 call before the Detoxweek starts.
It depends on many factors, please write a message and we'll discuss it.
That depends on many factors and therefore a general answer can’t be given. Please get in touch with us to elaborate.
The human body detoxifies and heals under a fruit diet. It is our species-specific diet. Our entire digestive system works best with fruits. Fruit is our cleanest fuel, which creates the least residue in the breaking down.
Raw veggies are the next best food for humans. Detoxification and regeneration will still take place, but in a much slower pace. It is only recommended for people who for some reason can not tolerate an all fruit diet. Still, it is recommended to work with as much fruit as somehow possible and then adding some veggies.