Detoxification Simplified
7 steps toward perfect health
Everybody has a different level of health, a different history, a different diet, a different perspective on life. - Nevertheless there are some things we can generalize - because as humans we are all the same species and share every aspect in biology.
The way to approach detoxification best is depending where you are at the moment and how much you are willing to work towards your health. If you have a couple of kids to take care of a house to take care of and even some additional work then you can’t work in the same way as somebody who can take some off and dedicate this time for working on their health only.
feelingmorelight / beingmoreenergetic / droppingexcessweight claiminghealthsovereignty / improving everyhealthcondition
1. Stop the intake of the 3 worst substances: Meats / Dairy / Processed Food
In order to cleanse and heal we must stop increasing the problem first.
The human body can derive some energy from those “substances” but it is not designed for it.
They will clog the lymphatic system, which is our sewage system. When the elimination is impaired then the body needs to store the waste in the tissue, we then call it disease with various names depending on the location and level of stagnation.
2. Increase your fruit intake
- start with fruit only in the morning
- continue with fruit as long as possible into the day - start with a fruit day per week
- use the “food combining” sheet
- start with a juice day or a water-only per week
- eat first watery and acidic fruit and them move on
to more dense sweet fruit, you can use a meal of watery fruits first and 1 or 2h later another meal with more dense fruits.
The human body is designed for fruits, berries and melons, plus tender leafy greens - nothing else !
It is such an amazing machine that it can even function under a very wide range of foods or so called “foods” but as humans we have our species specific diet just like any other species. A cow will gladly take some apples when they are in the reach but the entire digestive system is perfectly adapted to a herbivore diet.
The more we move away from our diet, the more we tend to accumulate acids and every system can get affected in the process and if we notice the impact, we call it “disease”.
“There is only one disease, it’s called acidosis” - Dr. Morse
The negative impact often can’t be experienced immediately but at some point it’ll often show.
3. Further helping the body to cleanse and regenerate itself Reduce, or better gradually stop all of the below foods
- cooked foods
- gluten / starches
- legumes
- industrial ready made "foods"
- salt, refined sugar, nuts, seeds, proteins - isolated chemical supplements
- fermented foods
Gradually reduce / stop according to your circumstances. All above items are ideally avoided during a healing period. To have the body function best ideally we would not use them at all, but it is possible to re-introduce them when the body is healthy, the fewer the better !
4. Replace cooked meals with large Salads gradually
- prepare your salads with much lettuce or any other young tender leaves
- replace all vinegar with limes or other citrus
- use very little olive oil or better 1⁄2 an avocado instead
- use bell peppers, spinach, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, sprouts, herbs
- you can “cheat” by adding Quinoa, Millet or better Buckwheat, or Wild Rice (soak n eat RAW)
Personalize the salad according to your taste and also take the different seasons into account for the best taste and availability.
5. Raise your RAW FOOD intake
Cooking carbohydrates creates acrylamide which is carcinogenic, also important enzymes
and vitamins are destroyed in the process. There is no real reason to cook food, only habit and “culture”. Raw food has intact energy while the cooking process destroys energy we are needing desperately. When the energy in the body is intact, the body can fight off anything which shouldn’t be there (Immune system) and can regenerate itself constantly. That is the body's natural and biological function, if we only let him do it.
The only real reason to eat some cooked food is when you are detoxing and things go too fast and you’re in a healing crisis. You can add some cooked food to get grounded to have less symptoms
6.Further important
- daily yoga, meditation, breathwork practice, start small and build up, but START - have a positive approach towards your healing journey (acceptance)
- go step by step and trust the process
- use affirmations daily (believe, mindset, thought, words will affect your health)
- stop ALL chemical cosmetics
- start to make fresh fruit juices
- drink enough water, most people are dehydrated
- make an iridology analysis and start working with herbs
- take a detox-retreat, after only a week of fruits you have leveled up your diet
- start with a day of fasting per week (only water)
- in case you’re on meds, look for an MD who can help you wean them off
- choose organic if you can, but also conventional grown foods will work.
- look out for some food corporations in your area (Community Supported Agriculture) - ask yourself, what can you change in your life to be more fulfilled ?
- detoxification is not a quick fix, start with the first step and just keep on going
7. Start where you are at
Don't wait until you find the perfect fruit, your dream environment or the ideal setting -
move on step by step according to your current life situation. Start today
Make use of a short free consultation on how to best approach detoxification practically, or how to get to a deeper level of detoxification.
Also join my Telegram Detox Group